Monday 28 May 2012

Calling it the "Free education in our lifetime" march. The South African Student Congress from the Durban University of Technology along with other branches recently marched from Lewis Botha Gardens to Durbans City Hall in an effort to make government aware of their organisations intentions.

Some found it ironic that such an organisation whose students would march for such a cause, when some of it members spend more years than the three required to graduate, with others not graduating at all.

Wendy Ngcobo commenting on student representives who are not graduating and the image their send to other students.

Thursday 10 May 2012

From students to politicians in school

From students to politicians in school
Posting this question on Facebook “Its a trend we need not look far to witness, when a student comes to university to study but ends up being heavily involved in student politics, they studies suffering heavily in the process. WHAT IS YOUR VIEW ON OUR UNIVERSITY POLITICIANS WHO ARE JUST NOT GRADUATING AND MOVING ON FROM IT?
I wanted to find out more on my subject on why students who are part of the SRC and end up being heavily involved in student organisations which are politically aligned are just not graduating or spending years in tertiary institutions for just one diploma.
It’s a trend we all see; our institution the Durban University of Technology is just not immune to such. We have become so use to our SRC leaders striking outside the classroom forcing students to stop going to class which always end up in the university having to shut down its gates until calm and order is restored.
What are these student “leaders” doing? Why are they not in class or is it just a reputation that is what they are made up of?
During my investigation I will answer all these questions, with the help of social media and the immence platform it has to offer.