Tuesday 4 October 2011

Youth Support for Malema Dwindling

The rise of a politician
He came in as a rock star politician and took South Africa by storm. He said what he liked and did not care what anybody else thought as long as he believed it he was right. The youth of South Africa were amazed, especially young black youth who saw a fresh face to politics and did not mind his radicalism. Julius Malema came in and it seemed he had conquered the trust and loyalty of the youth, but has he really? The past month has proven the unshakable giant can indeed be moved and the long standing support is now slowly diminishing right from the bottom looking up.
South Africa and the world watched in shock when the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) supporters caused havoc outside Chief Albert Luthuli House last month, in support for the Youth League presidentMalema. He was making his first appearance before the mother body, the African National Congress (ANC) disciplinary committee on a list of charges which include bringing the party into disrepute and causing divisions within its ranks.
While the youth outside Luthuli House burned ANC flags and T shirts with ANC President Jacob Zuma‘s face while chanting songs, it seemed Malema’s support was unstoppable; they were aggressive and made it clear their love they president. Many said the crowd outside Luthuli house represented majority the of the youth in the country, but take a second and pause to think which youth was it really? The majority of the supporters in that crowd were from Limpopo, this is Malema’s home town and it is not a surprise that he would have a stronger base there, but what about the rest of the country.
Exaggerated figure
Ayanda Mthembu an engineering student at the University of Kwazulu Natal said Malema has become an over exaggerated figure. “I don’t really care what he says anymore, and it is irritating that we always have to deal with him” she added. This is starting to be a common trend across the country. In an article written by the Times website about the diminishing fire brand that is Malema. A fourteen year old teenager by the name of Thato commented, he would never vote for the ANC until the corruptions ends, he added “It would never end, Malema gets to do whatever he wants and ignorant people will just follow.”
Sinking Ship?
The TNS research survey was conducted and it revealed Malema is fast losing support in urban areas of this country. According to the survey support for the ANCYL president shows a consistent decline over the last 18 months, the research shows a significant gender difference among young  blacks who are now 26% last year’s 30%, with females showing a much less interest then they male counter parts, Only 22% of  black women support Malema compared to 31% of black males. The 23% unemployed support Malema while 16% employed give him there support. The studies which were conducted among 1 260 blacks, 385 whites, 240 coloureds and 115 Indians/Asians,  showed when considering age groups, he has the support of 26% of people between 18 and 24, and 22% of those between 25 and 34. His support dropped to 7% among people aged 35 to 49. This survey confirms his popularity has dropped and there seems to be no turning back.
Malema’s support is sinking to a whole new low and it seems the firebrand rise is losing its base. The media has played part in raising the youth leader and is now burring him alive. An article poster by the Daily newspaper quote said “Malema not a political god”. 
But with the research study showing a heavy decline in supporter ship they is still those who believe in the “Malema factor”,  Siboniso Mzobe a student and member of the South African Student Congress Organisation(SASCO), said people should not be fooled and he is in full support of Malema “I am young and not stupid but I support Malema”. Mzobe is definitely  not alone many young youths still feel this way, Malema will not go down without a fight and will kick and scream until he is down.

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