Tuesday 27 March 2012

The DA was no where in sight

Thousands of people across the country painted the major cities red with no blue in sight in support of the march. DA party leader Helen Zille and Idols judge and radio personality Gareth Cliff had different views concerning the march on Twitter.
Zille says despite the DA supporting Cosatu on it stand on doing away with the e-tolling system, it could not put its support to the banning of labour brokers. Zille was alert responding to a tweet which accused white people from not being part of the march, Pinky Khaobane tweeting “Dear white citizen. You’re talk & no action apart from court challenges. No white people against etolls,” Zille responded by tweeting “so, what do you plan to say to 100’s and 1000’s of contract workers who lose their jobs when Cosatu bans labour broking?’’. The leader also tweeted that “Cosatu wants a ban on all contract work. That will leave millions unemployed, Not with better jobs”  Zille also re-tweeted  a tweet stating “#Cosatu is lk a dude w/a  morbidly obese person and then moans when said person steals all the blankets.”
The radio personality had a far more different view from the main opposition’s party leader. By tweeting in the early hours of Wednesday morning “Are you striking today? #Defiance #eTolling wear comfortable shoes. I’ll see you there.” And later “To more important things…Time to strike #etolling #COSATU”  the idols judge who appeared in court for speeding oand reckless or negligent driving before joining the march re-tweeted a tweet by Nelson Mandela’s executive personal assistant Zelda la Grange which said “Anyone complaining about today’s march clearly earns too much money and doesn’t pay enough tax!”  Cliff also tweeted this morning that the strike shows how South Africans  have had enough, urging government to take note.

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