Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Coloureds, The Indians, Jimmy Many and Khuli Roberts

When we got this assignment I was Absent as I started the school year later then others, and so me and my partners were undoubtedly confused about what the assignment entitled us to achieve. My partner and I ended up choosing a topic that not only made tongue wangs around the country but also touched those around us. Yes I am talking about the statements made by the Spokesperson for the Government Jimmy Manyi on a television show last year and an article written by Khuli Roberts and published by Sunday World. Both the comments made by these individuals caused a rave and forced our country to once again talk about race.

Now our first reflective piece was something that we did much research on but we failed miserably. After much analysis we realised that our piece looked to much like an Academic article and lacked human emotion that we were required to potray. Ayesha wanted us to interview people that were accessible to us and our piece included many expert that we did not interview ourselves but we looked for on the net. It was hard to see our results and it was more frastrating because I was lost on what was expected of us.

Our second piece was much better then the first one as we had a hang of it, we did not have a good mark but it was a pass. We interviewed people around us as what was expexted of us and the topic we chose demanded we do that we asked around on how the Indian and Coloured young people feel about the new proposed labour equity law which will mean that people of Indian and Coloured decent will have to move out of the provinces, Western Cape and KwaZulu Natal to get more opportunities with work if such a bill is passed. I enjoyed it very much doing the second draft and enjoyed doing it better. I feel that due to lack of communication with our lecturer we did not perform to the best of out abilities and that is what killed us in the end and made us get a very low mark then we would have got had we had better understanding of the task at hand.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I think you understood the point of this assignment well...and you gave a detailed analysis of your experience.
    You need to write more so that you can improve on your grammatical structure, etc.
    Overall well done!
    Overall mark: (based on blog creation and this particular post) – 68%
