Monday 23 May 2011


                                                                     Just under 24 hours before our country embarks on the local government elections, many youths around the country are still confused on whether they should even wake up tomorrow morning and cast they votes. So I sat down with second year Journalism student Anathi Teyise to get her opinion on the elections.
 “ I am still deciding on whether  to even vote tomorrow,” said Teyise. No party is offering what I want and I hate the way other parties use the past to coarse me into voting for them she added. Teyise who resides in Newlands East admits that her community is better off now but says a lack of visible councillors is a problem, Teyise does not know the councillor in her area and feels he should have put more effort in familiarising himself with the community he is in charge of.
Teyise feels the current local government elections are too much of a gamble. “ All the political parties are putting in their best to make sure they hook you in, leaving a bad taste in my mouth.” She makes an emphasis on the remarks made by the President of the country and the ANC Jacob Zuma. When he said “Vote ANC go to heaven” this remark left a bitter taste in my mouth Teyise said.
Teyise is amongst the many youth who feel let down by the Local government elections. Simthembile Mbatha  also a journalism 2nd year student, in a class discussion Mbatha said he felt let down by the ruling party as they made a big deal out of the Western Cape open toilet saga when they to were gulity of the same crime. Mbatha said this is the reason why he would not vote come Wednesday.


  1. You need to work on your usage of the English language and spell check your work before posting.
    Mark: 64
